See the latest market reports
MTM 18+ | February 18, 2025
Generation Z and Y (2025)
MTM 18+ | February 10, 2025
This report compares younger anglophones against older anglophones. For the purpose of this analysis, we separate younger anglophones into Gen Z (18-26 year olds) and Gen Y (27-43 year olds).
Generation X (2025)
MTM 18+ | February 10, 2025
While perhaps not as hyper-connected as younger people or as well travelled as older people, they are a group with habits and behaviors all their own when it comes to media and technology. Read on to find what makes Gen X stand out.
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The Truth
Behind The Numbers

The Media Technology Monitor (MTM©) brings together three of Canada's premier research products in the area of technology ownership and use under one trusted brand.

3 Services to Keep You on Target

Beginning with MTM 18+ nearly 20 years ago and expanding its research portfolio to include MTM Jr and MTM Newcomers, the MTM helps users to understand the Canadian media landscape from all angles encompassing traditional and new platforms over time. With large sample sizes, high response rates exceeding industry standards and methodologies you can trust, the MTM provides subscribers with an in-depth, accurate look at hard-to-reach groups and niche markets such as Gen Z, cord cutters, cell-phone only households, teens, those living in the North, and new Canadians. Through the interactive Portal and user-friendly tools, subscribers can leverage both data and reports to maximize utility.

MTM 18+

Target Sample: Francophones and Anglphones 18 years and older from across all regions of Canada including the North

A staple in the industry, MTM 18+ provides decades of research and data precision that is unparallelled to understand your target audience from coast to coast to coast


Target Sample: Francophone and Anglophone children between the ages of 2 to 17 years old from across all regions of Canada

MTM Jr. is the only survey of its kind in Canada which helps you to understand the media habits or your youngest audiences and consumers


Target Sample: Newcomers who have arrived in Canada in the last five years including students, refugees and landed immigrants

The newly launched MTM Newcomers brings the media, technology and leisure habits of Canada’s most diverse residents into focus

Large Sample Sizes

High Response Rates

Methodologies You Can Trust

Does your target audience watch Netflix or something else?

Canadians have more content available at their fingertips than ever before. Netflix is one of the leading video streaming entertainment services. Learn more about how your target audience is using it, how much time they’re spending on it, and how it compares to other SVODs such as CRAVE, Amazon Prime Video and newer offerings like Disney+ and Apple TV+.

Smart Speakers - New Fad or Must-Have Tech?

The simplicity of a voice controlled interface means that nearly anyone can use these devices. Smart speakers have seen widespread adoption among Canadians in a fairly short period. Learn more about how your target audience is listening to music, checking the weather or even controlling other devices in their home.

TikTalking about TikTok?

TikTok is becoming one of the most talked about social media apps. Learn more about how young Canadians are using it, their interactions on other social networks like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.

Brands We've Helped

Join our growing list of clients spanning through various sectors: media, government, education, ad agencies, international and industry.

Apple, Google, Bell, Rogers, Videotron, Corus, CTV, touche, timespace, CBC

The Press Room

The Press Room provides articles and interviews written by others using MTM data, all of our press releases and any free content produced throughout the year.


2025.01.16 | Broadcast Dialogue

Radio & Podcast News – Vista Radio rebrands three Alberta stations


2024.09.18 | Media in Canada

What content do newcomers consume on TV and audio platforms?


2024.09.11 | CRTC

Une nouvelle chanson, une nouvelle ère : Moderniser le cadre de radiodiffusion du Canada

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