In a time-crunched world, our executive-level syndicated reports provide targeted information in an accessible way making it easier for readers to find the information they want about the topics that interest them the most. In addition to the Adoption Reports and free Sneak Peeks, users can access numerous other reports focusing on different technologies, trends, activities and demographic groups.
70+ Reports Per Year
Across all three MTM products - 18+, Junior, Newcomers - industry experts provide clients with approximately 70 reports and infographics each year on a range of different technologies and activities. These highly visual reports synthesize the information you need for easy access.
Unique Segments & Markets
In addition to the numerous reports focussing on media habits, MTM also provides users with multiple reports which focus on important demographic segments: visible minorities, OLMC markets, age, region of origin, official language, Indigenous people, regions of Canada and more.
Check out some sample reports below
Sneak Peek Reports
Each year with the launch of our new data, we create short Sneak Peek Reports which highlight some of the new and exciting findings from the most recent data and provide insight into what's to come from the upcoming season of reports.
In the last year, TikTok has become one the most talked about new social media apps. With the COVID-19 pandemic, TikTok drew additional attention as users had more time to engage with the app. This report looks at the use of TikTok, who are the heavy users and what else TikTok users are engaging in.
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Kids & YouTube
Junior | March 05, 2025
YouTube is a juggernaut in the media landscape. Since launching in 2005, the platform now hosts a virtually limitless amount of user uploaded content. Many children have never known a time without YouTube, which offers them a variety of different types of content – including some genres that they can’t get anywhere else.
This report compares younger anglophones against older anglophones. For the purpose of this analysis, we separate younger anglophones into Gen Z (18-26 year olds) and Gen Y (27-43 year olds).
While perhaps not as hyper-connected as younger people or as well travelled as older people, they are a group with habits and behaviors all their own when it comes to media and technology. Read on to find what makes Gen X stand out.
How are these older cohorts taking advantage of the range of options available to them? Focusing on the English speaking population, this report concentrates on how younger baby boomers (59-68) and older baby boomers (69-78) differ from other age cohorts in their adoption and use of media and technology.
This year’s report provides an insightful exploration of how newcomers integrate cellphones into their lives, covering ownership, acquisition timing, service providers and various activities performed on the device. It also includes a comparison to the cellphone usage trends of the Canadian-born population.
A new way to watch content has arrived in the form of FAST Channels. Free Ad-supported Streaming Television (FAST) channels are similar to linear TV channels in that they offer content on a schedule, and not solely on-demand. Have Canadians started checking these platforms out?
As video consumption continues to move online, there are new options being made available to find content. One of the newest options are FAST (Free Ad-supported Streaming TV) channels. Like traditional, linear TV, these channels offer content on a schedule, but without any subscriptions needed.
Watching content, whether on TV, an SVOD service, YouTube or elsewhere, can often be a shared experience. What do we know about people who watch with others? What screens do they use to co-view?
Sports betting has been legal in Canada for over 30 years, but has taken on a new dimension recently. While once the realm of provincially run lottery corporations, the industry has been opened up to commercially-run sportsbooks in the past 2 years. With this development, promotions and advertising has increased dramatically as new entrants are looking to attract new customers.
In addition to their already long and storied history, TV sets are more multifunctional than ever before, on par or even ahead of many computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones. With more options than ever before, what is the current outlook for the connected tv set?
This report focuses radio listenership online and via a receiver, as well as comparisons to other forms of audio content and a look at how much time is spent listening.
While less so than many adults, many children are still engaging with news content. This report delves into the fascinating ways in which young audiences consume and interact with News.
The Olympics Games are an exciting time around the world filled with athletic excellence, international unity and culture exchange. As the Olympics approach, participating athletes are not the only ones consumed in preparations as fans look to cheer them on. This report delves into the plans that Canadians are making for the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris.
Over time, interest in gaming has grown beyond specific age groups. Kids and teens remain among the biggest fans however. There are endless ways to play, with limitless titles and fewer barriers to entry than ever before. With this in mind, what are the most important things to know when it comes to kids and gaming?
Over the past decade we have seen shifts in subscription video services – increased interest in SVOD services and decreased interest in linear TV subscriptions. But there remains a large segment that aren’t picking one over the other but are subscribing to both.
This latest report takes a deeper look at paid TV subscriptions, the relationship between SVOD and paid TV services, service providers and bundling, along with new data regarding reported costs of TV service
At one time going to the movies was a special outing - going to the theatre, watching on the big screen, eating popcorn. But we are no longer restricted to going out to watch movies - they are available to us at any time in the comfort of our own homes. That also allows people to watch MORE movies, since there is less effort (and money) required.
How do Canadians pick what to watch or listen to? There is no simple or straightforward answer, but this is a critical question. How do people move from "peak content" to "picked content"?
When it comes to TV and movies, Canadian kids aren’t just watching in their mother tongue. The MTM JR. has the newest fi ndings on kids consuming content in other languages.
route in vehicles? Listening to audio content has long been the go to form of entertainment while driving, but what sources do people get their audio from? This report looks at what Canadians listen to when in a car.
Social media has become a very important part of Canadian life. Canadians use numerous networks and spend hours using these resources weekly. But in recent years there have been questions about the value of social media and if it is having positive or negative impacts. So how do Canadian social networkers feel about social media? Is it becoming more toxic? Should we be able to say absolutely anything online?
Social media is ubiquitous in Canadian society. On a daily basis , the majority of Canadians are following some sort of personalized online feed, keeping them up to date with friends, influencers, and even news content. This report gives us a look at the use of social media in the anglophone market: what sites or apps they use, how much time they spend, and what they do on social media.
Launched in November 2022, ChatGPT has gotten a lot of attention. This AI chatbot offers users the opportunity to engage in human-like conversations or create content. This report gives us a first look at the use of ChatGPT among online Canadians.
Across different service providers, Canadian’s have an array of different options when it comes to picking a cell phone. What do they consider when making this choice?
Media has been shaped by the widespread adoption of mobile devices, especially by children. In terms of usage, adoption and content, there is much to know and understand about kids and smartphones.
There are many screens available to Canadians to access the Internet, but one of the most intriguing devices for Internet access is the TV screen. As Subscription Video on Demand services have become more prevalent, so have Internet-connected TVs. New TV sets usually have an Internet-connection built in to make the process easier.
Building on our recent MTM 18+ and MTM Jr. gaming reports, this publication focuses on watching gaming content and e-sports, specifically key demographics among Canadians of all ages who consume this content, as well as how they spend their time with
Newcomers still maintain connections to their country of origin even after arriving in Canada. Keeping in touch with friends and family back home is important, as that allows them to maintain emotional support, as well as preserve important cultural connections.
Newcomers (as well as Canadian born) have access to a countless number of news sources. Outlets from Canada, other countries and news sources with a global focus are all a tap or swipe away, 24 hours a day. With so many options available, thoughts surrounding trust become essential to truly understanding news consumption.
Video games evolved rapidly since their advent roughly 50 years ago. Despite becoming increasingly complex and diverse over time, the proliferation growth of free-to-play and online titles has meant fewer barriers to entry and has allowed gaming to reach wider audiences than ever before.
Canadians have long immersed themselves with news content. As the media world has changed, adopting new technologies, so have Canadian news consumers. Not only are people using traditional types of news media such as newspapers, radio, and TV, but are looking at news online in many different ways – not just reading text articles.
Podcasts have carved out their own niche in the audio/radio space. By focusing on long form, episodic content and often more niche topics than radio broadcasts, podcast content has become a notable part of the media diet of many Canadians.
We asked a series of questions directly to teens about their behaviour surrounding ads on social media and we present this information in this mini report along with an overview of social media usage among Canadians aged 12-17.
Canadian youth (2-17 years old) are consuming TV and movies in both official languages more commonly and more often than you might think. There is a growing aptitude among both French and English youth that regularly watch in the other official language.
Paid TV services have been impacted by an ever-increasing selection of Subscription Video On Demand (SVOD) services and the array of free video content provided by online TV. People that previously paid for conventional TV, are opting out, and people that have never had a paid TV service don’t see the value of subscribing to it.
The vast majority of Canadian households have access to at least one Subscription Video on Demand service (SVOD). But sharing these with someone else is as simple as providing your name and password. People sharing their subscriptions with friends or extended family members may have had a notable impact on the reach of SVOD services.
This report takes a deep dive into TikTok – who uses the platform, which other platforms its users are engaging with, and how they use the platform itself.
This report is a special release based on data from both MTM 18+ and MTM Jr., focusing on how kids and adults use YouTube and the platform’s place in a broader media landscape in their daily lives.
While Canadians are now slowly venturing back to movie theatres, many movie goers had to find other ways to get their movie fix during the previous year.
Media & Technology in the North
MTM 18+ | October 21, 2021
The Northern population is a highly under-researched part of Canada. By expanding the scope of the MTM 18+ to survey the North, we have a unique opportunity to examine how those residing in Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut compare and contrast to the average Canadian.
The Internet provides TV viewers with additional opportunities to find out about or follow the TV shows they watch. In addition to official websites and apps created by show producers and staff, there are also fan-created options for other fans to check out. Social media also gives fans an opportunity to follow and interact with cast members from their favourite shows. This report profiles TV viewers and their fan activities online.
With the majority of Canadians adopting a more sedentary lifestyle while working or studying from home many have decided to prioritize their physical and mental health. These unique circumstances have led some Canadians to pump up their endorphins at home by using fitness apps, purchasing workout equipment and watching online fitness videos.
In a special COVID edition of the Spring Media Technology Monitor (MTM), we looked at the various educational tools that parents of kids between the ages of 7-17 have been using to help with the learning process while in quarantine.
Almost half of Canadian teens said they’ve accessed news in the past month. This infographic focuses on Canadian youth (12 to 17), the different sources they use to access news, their frequency of use, as well as their concern with fake news.
8 in 10 Canadian teens (12-17) say that they would rather communicate through technology than in person. Here are the favourite ways for them to connect with their friends
Few technologies have changed daily life as much as the cell phone. Canadians do countless daily tasks on their phones, like browsing, watching videos, streaming music, checking the weather, banking and much more. With this in mind, the MTM proposed a new question to our online survey respondents.
In a modern era, youth have more and more things competing for their attention. Growing up along side significant changes in media and technology means that childhood today is a very different experience than even a decade ago. With so many possibilities available, we surveyed Canada’s youth aged 2 to 17 years old to find out how they like to spend their spare time.
The Media Technology Monitor (MTM) releases a brand new infographic on cord jumping, wherein people cancel a subscription to an OTT or TV service with intent to resubscribe later.
For some Canadians, when a new piece of technology emerges, they have to get their hands on it. While technology adoption grows over time, some want to get in on the ground floor and be among the first to try something new. But what sets this group apart from other Canadians?
As the choice of Internet activities expands, the banking sector continues to lead way as the vast majority of services are now available online. Canadians are choosing the convenience of online banking to simplify their lives with tools that make all types of financial transactions a breeze. This move to online and mobile banking is not necessarily to the detriment of traditional banking services, however.